International Day of Climate Action 2024: Building a More Sustainable Future Together

International Day of Climate Action 2024: Building a More Sustainable Future Together

Today marks the 14th Annual International Day of Climate Action, a day when people across the globe commit to actions big and small to create a cleaner, greener future. As climate change continues to threaten the well-being of our planet, Bloom celebrates all actions taken by people, organizations, and businesses that raise climate change awareness and propel us toward a net-zero carbon future. In order to protect communities from the climate crisis, we need a global, concerted focus on solutions that reduce our emissions impact and carbon footprints.

While individual actions can and should be taken today – like planting trees, participating in river cleanups, and volunteering with local environmental groups – it is also a day to focus on larger initiatives like climate policy solutions and innovative ways to power our homes, our workplaces, and our world with solutions that reduce emissions and combat climate change.

International Day of Climate Action: Make an Impact Now

Meeting rising power demands worldwide and accelerating the energy transition requires a combination of solutions through sources like solar and wind. Unfortunately, building renewable energy facilities and related infrastructure can take significant time – years or even decades. In the meantime, the world must take action NOW towards powering our communities in a more eco-friendly, sustainable manner.

Bloom Energy’s solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are solutions that don’t require us to wait; Bloom’s technology is a reliable and time-tested means of generating on-site power and can be deployed at scale quickly. Instead of waiting years to scale up, customers can have Bloom’s technology installed and operational in months or even weeks, and it can be integrated into existing sustainability efforts like carbon capture.

Bloom’s SOFCs are fuel agnostic, and they require no water consumption during normal operation, produce no smog-generating nitrous oxide (NOx) or sulfur oxides (SOx), and can replace heavy-emitting diesel generators that are often relied on for backup power in emergency situations. Given Bloom’s SOFCs fuel-agnostic nature, they can easily be fueled by hydrogen when available. With the hydrogen economy advancing rapidly, Bloom’s hydrogen-ready fuel cells are well-positioned to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate the global energy transition.

How Bloom’s SOFCs Can Help Take Positive Climate Action

While other forms of energy generation can be variable – the sun doesn’t always shine, and the wind doesn’t always blow – Bloom’s fuel cells provide resilient, always-on power for customers while reducing a facility’s carbon footprint and limiting environmental impacts in areas such as:

  • Air quality: Bloom’s fuel cells not only have a lower carbon footprint compared to the grid but also dramatically reduce air pollutants that degrade overall air quality and contribute to global warming; Bloom’s Energy Server systems emit near-zero NOx and SOx, reducing emissions of these smog-forming pollutants by over 99%. In 2022, Bloom’s Energy Server systems reduced 99.8% of NOx versus the grid and 100% of SOx compared to the grid.
  • Water usage: Bloom’s fuel cells do not use any water during normal operating conditions. In 2022, Bloom’s fuel cells avoided more than 4.7 billion gallons of water consumption and over 691 gallons of water withdrawal by grid electricity sources.

To meet ambitious emissions reduction goals and help decarbonize our world, we need solutions now that enable us to take action quickly. Our planet can’t wait, and neither can we. Bloom’s SOFCs are one key way stakeholders across economic sectors can take positive climate action that can immediately help mitigate the effects of global warming.

Meaningful Climate Action Today For A Brighter, Cleaner Tomorrow

On this International Day of Climate Action, those who make decisions about how to power our world can take meaningful action through the use of Bloom’s fuel cells. And as individuals, we should all commit to doing our part today to build a cleaner and more sustainable economy for the future.

To learn more about Bloom’s SOFCs, read more here.